CILcare is the world-leading R&D services company specialized in hearing disorders. Based in Montpellier, Boston, and Paris, CILcare has become the one-stop partner for pharmaceutical industries, biotechs and medtechs developing novel therapies for people with hearing and otic disorders. Hearing loss is recognized as a major global health concern with an increasing worldwide prevalence and the absence of approved drug on the market. CILcare’s mission is to make hearing a priority and give hope to the 466 million people worldwide waiting for effective solutions to treat hearing impairment.
CILcare designs and performs pharmacokinetics, efficacy, and GLP ototoxicity studies to assess drugs, medical devices, cell & gene therapies, on hearing loss, tinnitus, and otitis.
Company News
CILcare announces appointment of Alain Chatelin, acting as Chief Medical Officer
Jul 17, 2023
Posted by CILcare