Announcements Archives - MassBio Massachusetts Biotechnology Council Tue, 02 Jan 2024 17:27:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MassBioDrive Spring 2024: Frequently Asked Questions Tue, 02 Jan 2024 16:46:34 +0000 With the application now open for MassBioDrive’s spring 2024 cohort, we’ve put together this overview of answers to the most common questions we receive about this program. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at drive (at) massbio (dot) org. And, as a reminder, the deadline to apply for […]

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Spring 2023 MassBioDrive Cohort, Luca Giani, Founder & CEO of Ilios Therapeutics (Photo: John Wilcox)       

With the application now open for MassBioDrive’s spring 2024 cohort, we’ve put together this overview of answers to the most common questions we receive about this program. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at drive (at) massbio (dot) org.

And, as a reminder, the deadline to apply for the spring 2024 cohort is January 26 at 12:00PM (noon) ET. Applications for our fall 2024 cohort will open in May.

What types of companies/founders/projects are you looking for?

We’re primed to support scientific founders and very early-stage biotechs who want to develop their business literacy while also getting hands-on expert guidance and mentorship from industry leaders and growing their industry networks.  

Specifically, we’d like to see applicants that have:

  • A high potential therapeutic pipeline or platform technology
  • Access (or a clear path to) to the intellectual property that the startup is founded on
  • An interest in incorporating (if they haven’t already)

If your science or biotech doesn’t meet these criteria (or meets some of it), we’d still encourage you to apply – we know extenuating circumstances often exist so our application gives you room to provide more context.  

But really, who is this program for?

This is for emerging founders who want the support of a community as they take the next step with their science. MassBioDrive’s network of experts, mentors, and industry stakeholders are here to support you before, during, and beyond this program.

What will my startup get out of it?

Here are MassBioDrive’s benefits, which are all provided for free and with no equity taken:  

  • 6 weeks of business curriculum and individualized working sessions
  • 5 mentors who will serve as an advisory board for the course of the program; the MassBio team will help match you with mentors that fit your specific needs  
  • Business development and networking support from the MassBioDrive team throughout the program  
  • Ecosystem visibility through MassBioDrive networking events and an end-of-program Demo Day event, and through MassBio marketing channels  
  • An equity-free “graduation gift” package, which includes a stipend award from Bristol Myers Squibb and resources from Google Cloud and Evaluate

What does a week in the life of a program look like?

We know that our founders are busy with academic work, research, families, and everything else, so we’ve worked to make this program as manageable but as high impact as possible. 

The two pillars of our 8-week program are curriculum modules and mentor meetings, which both take place weekly: 

  • Curriculum modules: We take a hybrid and asynchronous approach to our six curriculum modules, which are composed of reviewing a video about that week’s topic and participating in a 1:1 deep dive working session with that week’s topic expert(s). Each week, you’ll receive a video overview of the next week’s curriculum topic; you (and anyone on your team who is interested) will watch it, take notes relevant to your startup, and share any questions or topics you’d like to discuss during the 1:1 working session with the curriculum expert. During the 1:1 working session with the curriculum expert, you’ll have the opportunity to connect live (or hybrid) on specific topics or questions directly related to your startup.  
  • Mentor meeting: The weekly mentor meeting will function as an advisory board meeting – you’ll have a set time to connect with your mentor team to discuss that week’s curriculum module, provide updates on your roadmap progress over the last week, and get advice or make asks of your mentors

Here’s what a sample week at MassBioDrive looks like: 

  • Throughout the week:
    • Continue to make progress towards the goals outlined in your program roadmap, which you’ll develop with MassBio and mentor support during the first two weeks of the program  
    • You’ll work with your mentor team to determine a consistent day and time of the week to meet that works for everyone for the eight weeks of the program
  • Monday (during a 1-hour timeslot between 3:00 – 5:30PM ET):
    • 1:1 meeting with that week’s curriculum expert
  • Tuesday:
    • Receive next Monday’s curriculum video, which you should watch between Tuesday and Wednesday (approximately 45 minutes – 1 hour)
  • Thursday:
    • Prep for the next Monday’s curriculum module by sharing any questions or agenda items you’d like to review during the 1:1 meeting 
  • Next Monday:
    • Start the cycle over again!

If I live/work outside of Boston/Cambridge (or Massachusetts…or New England…or the US) can I still apply?

Absolutely! We welcome all eligible applicants. In fact, we’ve supported startups from 7 states outside of Massachusetts, and from 2 countries outside of the United States.

This is a hybrid program for a reason – we want it to be as easy as possible for all founders with great potential to harness our region’s networks and resources.

What is the application process for MassBioDrive?

To start, fill out our online application. We use this application to collect basic information about you and your startup, and we expect that it will take most applicants about an hour to complete.

All applications will be anonymized and undergo a blind review process by an expert team. Select companies will be invited to participate in 1:1 interviews with our review board of industry leaders, who will select the final cohort.

What key dates should I be aware of? 

Here are the key dates for our spring 2024 program:

Key Application Dates 

  • January 2: Application for MassBioDrive S24 Cohort Open  
  • January 26 @ Noon ET: Deadline to apply for S24 Cohort  
  • February 21: Applicants notified if accepted to interview round 
  • Week of February 26: S24 Cohort Interviews with Review Board   
  • March 8: Interviewees notified if accepted into S24 Cohort  

Key Dates for F24 Cohort 

  • April 1 – May 24: S24 Cohort* 
    • Note: Onboarding will begin the week of March 11 
  • Week of April 8: Innovation Ecosystem Mixer  
  • May 23: Demo Day Presentations 

Who are your portfolio companies?

Learn more about our previous cohorts here & check out what they had to say about MBD here.

My company is a little too advanced for MassBioDrive – how can I engage with the network?  

First – congratulations on your success!  

Second – thanks for your interest in joining our community: join us by attending our events (see above) or becoming a mentor (see below)!  

How can I get involved if I’m not an entrepreneur?

We firmly believe that everyone in this ecosystem has a role to play in supporting emerging innovators. Here are a few ways to support MassBioDrive: 

If you’d like to give back: 

Consider mentoring with MassBioDrive. Mentors play an invaluable role in helping founders take the first step (and all the other steps after). Your perspectives and experiences could be extremely valuable to someone who is just starting out. If you’d like to learn more, visit our mentor overview and interest form.  

If you have resources to share:

Partner with MassBioDrive to provide tools or resources to our cohorts. It could be consulting services, access to a technology, space, or cold hard cash, startups can benefit from all different types of support.

If you have something to share and would like to get involved, reach out to our team.  

If you want a front-row seat to the latest industry breakthroughs:

Volunteer as an analyst. Analysts are undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in the life sciences (biology, biotechnology, biomedical engineering, chemistry, or biochemistry preferred) or business, or experienced professionals who help conduct due diligence on our cohort applications. Interested? Send us your CV to start the conversation. 

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Inspiring science and leading innovation at LG Chem AVEO Pharma Day® 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 19:16:55 +0000 MassBio is partnering with LG Chem and AVEO on February 27, 2024, to host LG Chem AVEO Pharma Day® 2024, an unparalleled opportunity for emerging innovators to learn from and connect with a leading global chemical company and an oncology-focused biopharmaceutical company committed to delivering medicines that provide a better life for patients with cancer. […]

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MassBio is partnering with LG Chem and AVEO on February 27, 2024, to host LG Chem AVEO Pharma Day® 2024, an unparalleled opportunity for emerging innovators to learn from and connect with a leading global chemical company and an oncology-focused biopharmaceutical company committed to delivering medicines that provide a better life for patients with cancer.

What They’re Saying: “LG Chem and AVEO Oncology are dedicated to our shared mission of providing innovative solutions to improve cancer patient’s lives. The collaborative synergy between LG Chem and AVEO Oncology establishes a global oncology organization with a robust portfolio of innovative products and deep capabilities from discovery to clinical, biologics manufacturing and U.S. commercialization. In Boston, where breakthroughs happen and collaborations thrive, LG Chem / AVEO Oncology pharma day will be your gateway to unparalleled opportunities to partner with a nimble and driven biotech culture of AVEO Oncology backed by the spirit of innovation and global resources of LG Chem. We look forward to unfolding a new chapter of strategic partnerships to improve lives of the cancer patients we serve.”

Stella S. Huh (Vice President, Head of Business Development, LG Chem Life Sciences) and Michael P. Bailey (President and CEO, AVEO Oncology)

Hear the latest: During LG Chem/AVEO’s open information session, you’ll discover the latest insights on their R&D strategy, target therapeutic areas, and partnering capabilities. This session will be followed by a networking reception.

Get closer: Innovators with a pre-clinical / clinical candidate who are actively looking for partnership opportunities are encouraged to apply for a one-on-one meeting with LG Chem / AVEO representatives. LG Chem / AVEO’s target therapeutic areas are:

  • Oncology (solid tumors / hematological malignancies)
  • Metabolic diseases (diabetes, NASH, etc)
  • Immunology

If your company meets their eligibility guidelines, apply for a 1:1 by January 5, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET.

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MassBio State of Racial, Ethnic and Gender Diversity Report Shows More Women in Leadership Roles; BIPOC Remain Underrepresented Across Industry Thu, 30 Nov 2023 16:25:23 +0000 CAMBRIDGE, MA – In an updated edition of the State of Racial, Ethnic & Gender Diversity Report, life sciences trade group MassBio found that gender diversity in leadership roles across the life sciences ecosystem in Massachusetts has increased while communities of color remain largely underrepresented. The organization also expressed frustration in survey engagement among members, […]

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CAMBRIDGE, MA – In an updated edition of the State of Racial, Ethnic & Gender Diversity Report, life sciences trade group MassBio found that gender diversity in leadership roles across the life sciences ecosystem in Massachusetts has increased while communities of color remain largely underrepresented. The organization also expressed frustration in survey engagement among members, with fewer companies participating compared to its inaugural report in 2021.

The report highlights reasons for optimism about the impact of DEI initiatives in the life sciences industry, including increased recruitment and development of women for executive teams and boards of directors, ongoing use of MassBio’s CEO Pledge as a framework for action, and greater adoption of internal DEI dashboards and metrics. The report also identifies key areas in which the industry still needs to make marked improvements, especially in bringing more people of color into the workforce at all levels, and addressing chronic underinvestment in DEI programs at companies.

“Our hope with this report is to continue to provide a measure of where we are as an industry on diversity, equity, and inclusion which can inform strategic decisions and lead to dramatic change, though we’ve been constrained by the level of engagement from companies,” said MassBio CEO and President Kendalle Burlin O’Connell.“Although market conditions in our industry have changed, making DEI work more challenging to prioritize, we can’t lose momentum on the important progress we’ve made in recent years. I know MassBio’s and our members’ commitment to DEI has not waivered, but we must hold ourselves accountable through trackable metrics and do everything we can to advance health equity and attain a workforce that reflects the patient populations we serve.”

Gender Diversity

The report reveals notable progress toward gender parity in the life sciences industry, particularly in leadership positions. Women now make up 52% of the overall biopharma workforce and comprise 46% of executive management teams – up 9% from the 2021 report. There was also a 9% increase in women holding positions on boards of directors, up to 33% in 2023 versus 24% in 2021. White women’s representation in executive roles grew from 27% in 2021 to 36% in 2023, but there was no increase among women of color.

Racial & Ethnic Diversity

The data revealed vast underrepresentation among employees of color in the biopharma industry. Only 14% of the biopharma workforce is Black, Hispanic/Latinx or Native, compared to 32% of the population in Massachusetts. Consistent with the previous report, white employees continue to account for 60% of the workforce.

White employees continue to dominate executive management positions, rising 13% to 76% of executives. The percentage of board of directors identifying as white (70%) continues to significantly outweigh those identifying as BIPOC.

Asian employees, for consistency with the 2021 report, were given their own category outside employees of color, though this will change going forward. Asian employees again are overrepresented in the overall workforce (23%) against the Massachusetts census data (6%). The percentage of Asian board directors increased from 13% in 2021 to 16% in 2023.

Black, Hispanic/Latinx and Native American employees were the only group to lose proportional representation at the executive management level, decreasing from 8% in 2021 to just 6% in 2023. Their representation on boards of directors, however, has risen to 12% from 8% in the last report.

Industry Initiatives & Commitments

The report also found that industry organizations are engaging in DEI practices and initiatives more than ever before. 69% of companies have systems to recruit, retain, and advance diverse employees; 28% are intentionally recruiting from minority-serving institutions (HBCUs, TCUs and HSIs); and 47% are sourcing employees from external affinity organizations like Latinos in Bio and OUTbio.

More biopharma companies than ever (75%) now have company-wide diversity, equity, and inclusion statements, up from 56% in 2021. The percentage of companies using a diversity dashboard or diversity scorecard, meant to establish DEI goals and track progress towards them, has more than doubled to 50% since 2021. The report also found a rise in the share of industry organizations that have incentivized DEI initiatives and conducted employee engagement surveys with DEI priorities, while the share of those with established supplier diversity programs remained steady.

“We need to ensure that the diversity of our industry as well as its DEI initiatives are both improved and sustained,” said Tom Browne, director of diversity, equity and inclusion at MassBio. “We cannot lose sight of the urgency and benefit of creating an equitable and inclusive workforce and this report acts as one reminder that we’re not there yet. Now more than ever, the industry needs to stay committed and invested in every way possible.”

MassBio Efforts

As a convener and catalyst across Massachusetts, MassBio continues to lead the state’s life sciences ecosystem towards a more equitable and diverse future, understanding the organizational benefits, moral imperative, and collective responsibility to build a workforce that represents those it serves and reflects the talent and demographics of the population.

This includes launching Bioversity, MassBio’s new nonprofit organization and workforce training center that seeks to diversify the life sciences landscape, creating career pathways and eliminating barriers to entry through its state-of-the-art lab and classroom space in Dorchester. Through upskilling programs, certifications, and hands-on experience, Bioversity aims to open doors in the life sciences field for communities that are traditionally underrepresented in the industry. Its inaugural cohort begins studies in January 2024 with a goal of graduating 100 students in its first year.

MassBioDrive is the nonprofit’s industry accelerator, empowering diverse founders and innovators to thrive through business curriculum, mentorship, and grants. And its purchasing consortium, MassBioEdge, helps member organizations conserve funds on critical supplies, offering a 1% rebate for products and services purchased through small and diverse businesses.

To further the industry’s progress toward a diverse and equitable workforce, MassBio outlined a number of recruitment practices in its Open Letter, encouraging member organizations to consider diversity sourcing and removing unnecessary employment barriers.

The full report is available here.

About MassBio

MassBio’s mission is to advance Massachusetts’ leadership in the life sciences to grow the industry, add value to the healthcare system, and improve patient lives. MassBio represents the premier global life sciences and healthcare hub, with 1,600+ members dedicated to preventing, treating, and curing diseases through transformative science and technology that brings value and hope to patients. Founded in 1985, MassBio works to advance policy and promote education, while providing member programs, events, industry thought leadership, and services for the #1 life sciences cluster in the world.

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MassBio, nation’s largest life sciences trade association, endorses ORPHAN Cures Act Thu, 28 Sep 2023 14:55:27 +0000 CAMBRIDGE, MA (September 28, 2023)—MassBio, the nation’s largest and oldest life sciences trade association, has endorsed The Optimizing Research Progress Hope and New Cures (ORPHAN Cures) Act (H.R. 5539), sponsored by Reps. John Joyce, MD (R, PA-13) and Wiley Nickel (D, NC-13). The ORPHAN Cures Act would allow orphan products to remain exempt from Medicare […]

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CAMBRIDGE, MA (September 28, 2023)—MassBio, the nation’s largest and oldest life sciences trade association, has endorsed The Optimizing Research Progress Hope and New Cures (ORPHAN Cures) Act (H.R. 5539), sponsored by Reps. John Joyce, MD (R, PA-13) and Wiley Nickel (D, NC-13). The ORPHAN Cures Act would allow orphan products to remain exempt from Medicare negotiation so long as approved uses are exclusively for rare diseases. The bipartisan legislation would also clarify that the negotiation clock starts for an orphan product only once it loses the exemption.

“The ORPHAN Cures Act addresses one of the most problematic elements of the IRA’s drug price negotiation program. MassBio, which represents many of the biotechnology companies most deeply invested in the rare disease space, is eager to work with the Massachusetts delegation and Congress to quickly advance this bipartisan bill,” Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, MassBio CEO and President, said. “Without this change, the law creates significant disincentives to identify new uses for existing orphan drugs, even additional indications for rare disease, contrary to the intent of the Orphan Drug Act. By restoring incentives to develop therapies for rare diseases the federal government will once again stand on the side of patients and innovation.”

MassBio has been outspoken on behalf of our members and the Massachusetts ecosystem about the unintended consequences of the IRA, engaging with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) throughout the implementation of the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation program. In April, MassBio submitted a letter to CMS Deputy Administrator & Director of the Center for Medicare Meena Seshamani expressing deep concern that the narrow scope of the orphan drug exclusion, combined with CMS’s overly broad QSSD definition, created a strong disincentive for developers to continue to develop new indications and formulations for existing orphan therapies. CMS ultimately did not adopt MassBio’s recommendations that would have remedied the issue.

Rare diseases, as defined by the FDA are conditions that impact fewer than 200,000 patients nationwide, and are inherently under-researched, under-diagnosed, and under-treated. Although much progress has been made since the enactment of the Orphan Drug Act 40 years ago, over 90 percent of known rare diseases do not have therapies or treatments. There has been a recent surge in the development of drugs for rare disease populations, with much of this development occurring in Massachusetts. Neglecting to resolve how the IRA treats orphan drugs would significantly curtail this development and stymie the progress made through the Orphan Drug Act.

About MassBio

MassBio’s mission is to advance Massachusetts’ leadership in the life sciences to grow the industry, add value to the healthcare system, and improve patient lives. MassBio represents the premier global life sciences and healthcare hub, with 1,600+ members dedicated to preventing, treating, and curing diseases through transformative science and technology that brings value and hope to patients. Founded in 1985, MassBio works to advance policy and promote education, while providing member programs, events, industry thought leadership, and services for the #1 life sciences cluster in the world.

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Statement from MassBio CEO & President Kendalle Burlin O’Connell on ARPANET-H announcement Tue, 26 Sep 2023 18:02:37 +0000 A statement from Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, MassBio CEO & President, on the announcement of ARPANET-H and Massachusetts’ selection as one of three regional hubs: “Massachusetts plays an outsized role in addressing the world’s unmet medical needs, and the Biden Administration’s decision to locate the Investor Catalyst Hub for ARPA-H here in Cambridge puts the agency […]

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A statement from Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, MassBio CEO & President, on the announcement of ARPANET-H and Massachusetts’ selection as one of three regional hubs:

“Massachusetts plays an outsized role in addressing the world’s unmet medical needs, and the Biden Administration’s decision to locate the Investor Catalyst Hub for ARPA-H here in Cambridge puts the agency in a position to tap into the talent, funding, institutions, and innovation that are our ecosystem’s greatest assets. Over the past 16 months, Governor Healey and her administration, our federal delegation, the members of the CHARM Coalition—including the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center and MassMEDIC, have made the case for how the Commonwealth can deliver on the lofty goals of ARPA-H. Today, our local biotechs stand ready to compete for the dollars that will help to unlock the cures and therapies that will change the course of human health.”


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MassBio’s Biotech Accelerator, MassBioDrive, Announces Fall 2023 Cohort of Startups Tue, 19 Sep 2023 16:26:24 +0000 The latest cohort of MassBioDrive, a key initiative of MassBio’s innovation programming designed to support life sciences startups, was announced today by MassBio and features five emerging biotechs from Massachusetts and Connecticut. The companies: Beginning this week and running through closing pitches at a Demo Day on November 16, these five biotechs will learn from […]

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The latest cohort of MassBioDrive, a key initiative of MassBio’s innovation programming designed to support life sciences startups, was announced today by MassBio and features five emerging biotechs from Massachusetts and Connecticut.

The companies: Beginning this week and running through closing pitches at a Demo Day on November 16, these five biotechs will learn from and connect with MassBio’s global life sciences network. This is who they are …

  • Cloverleaf Bio (New Haven, CT) has developed a new type of RNA therapeutics, based on tRNAs. Its engineered tRNAs have a broad range of applications including oncology, viral infection, and neurodegenerative disorders. Cloverleaf’s patented tRNAs target core components of the cellular translation machinery—tRNA modifying enzymes—that are essential for disease progression.
  • Eascra Biotech (Boston, MA) is an early-stage nanomedicine start-up launched in Nov 2021. Its proprietary therapeutic delivery platform can deliver RNA, gene editing, and other therapeutic options to hard-to-penetrate tissues such as cartilage, kidney, brain, and some solid tumors. Eascra is partnering with NASA to advance its science here on earth.
  • Externa (Cambridge, MA) is a platform technology company from the Church and Collins labs that combines synthetic biology, chemistry, and machine learning to bring the power of medicinal chemistry to protein therapeutics with synthetic amino acids. These new-to-nature amino acids give proteins new capabilities, such as irreversible binding, longer stability, or pH-dependent activity.
  • PathCision Medicine(Watertown, MA) is harnessing tissue pathology insights to develop new targeted therapies. Built using a translational lens with a multi-omics approach, its proprietary discovery platform uncovers novel therapeutic avenues previously unavailable to patients with complex diseases. PathCision’s leading program is focused on developing a biologic modality for metastasis-selective delivery for multiple indications.
  • Tezcat Biosciences (New Haven, CT) is developing a portfolio of protein-drug conjugates to provide therapeutic options for patients harboring mutant RAS cancers. Tezcat’s current portfolio consists of conjugates combining its proprietary protein carrier with established drug payloads. To-date, Tezcat’s drug development has been supported by academic collaborations and government awards.

What we’re saying: “Innovation is how we drive therapies forward and get them closer to patients. We are committed to extending a helping hand to biotech entrepreneurs and giving them a foundation for success through MassBioDrive’s intensive coursework, mentoring, and networking.” – MassBio CEO and President Kendalle Burlin O’Connell

The programming: MassBioDrive provides each company with a market-focused launchpad of training, resources, and networks in their growth trajectory to fully realize the potential of their science – at no cost and with no equity taken. During a high impact, eight-week hybrid program, the five startups selected through a rigorous vetting process will:

  • Participate in six business-focused curriculum modules taught by seasoned experts from J.P. Morgan (Business Plan and Commercialization Strategy), KPMG (Regulatory Strategy), Marsh McLennan (People Strategy and Operations), Thermo Fisher Scientific (Drug Development), Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati (IP and Legal), and Xontogeny (Fundraising); 
  • Partner with a dedicated group of industry mentors;  
  • Connect with MassBio’s global life sciences network through ecosystem-wide events and targeted 1:1 partnering opportunities; and
  • After presenting at an invite-only Demo Day, receive a stipend award from Bristol Myers Squibb and access to and/or resources from MassBioDrive partners including Evaluate and Google Cloud.

Meet the founders: A networking event is the ecosystem’s first opportunity to engage with these companies and the broader biotech ecosystem. The innovation community is invited to connect with the F23 cohort on October 11, 2023 in the MassBioHub.

Drive’s history: Launched in 2022, MassBioDrive’s mission is to advance breakthrough science while providing opportunities to innovators from all parts of the life sciences ecosystem. Over its first three cohorts, MassBioDrive accelerated 16 companies, which represented seven states and two non-U.S. countries.

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MassBio 2023 Industry Snapshot Shows Significant Employment Growth in Research and Development Across the Commonwealth Wed, 06 Sep 2023 04:01:00 +0000 CAMBRIDGE (September 6, 2023) – MassBio today released its 2023 Industry Snapshot, which shows significant job growth across the life sciences industry with Massachusetts outpacing nearly all competitor states for both research and development and biomanufacturing jobs added. At the close of 2022, Massachusetts employed nearly 114,000 people in the biopharma industry. “The data from […]

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CAMBRIDGE (September 6, 2023) – MassBio today released its 2023 Industry Snapshot, which shows significant job growth across the life sciences industry with Massachusetts outpacing nearly all competitor states for both research and development and biomanufacturing jobs added. At the close of 2022, Massachusetts employed nearly 114,000 people in the biopharma industry.

“The data from this year’s Snapshot clearly shows we live and work in a resilient and industry-leading ecosystem that continues to play an outsized role in addressing the world’s unmet medical needs, but also one that will require ongoing public-private partnerships to thrive and remain competitive,” said MassBio CEO and President Kendalle Burlin O’Connell. “Massachusetts is slow to enter an economic slow-down and bounces back quickly. Even amidst challenging times for biotech companies, we still saw our industry’s workforce expand by nearly 7%. While we all know biotech experienced a period of cooling after a red hot few years, our workforce growth, lab space expansion, large share of overall national VC investments, and strong government relationships make me hopeful for a strong 2024 and beyond.”

The biopharma research and development workforce in Massachusetts experienced year-over-year growth of 8.5%, outpacing California and Pennsylvania (6.8%) as well as New Jersey (1.9%). In the biomanufacturing space, employment in Massachusetts rose 6.3%, a higher rate than competitor states like New Jersey (5.8%), Maryland (4.6%) and North Carolina (1.8%).

Massachusetts-based companies received $3.7 billion in venture capital funding in the first half of 2023, a decrease from the same time last year, but the highest first-half total of any year outside 2020-2022, years which set records fueled by pandemic-inspired investing. Overall, biopharma companies headquartered in Massachusetts received 32% of all venture capital dollars invested in the industry, up six percent from the first half of 2022.

The Commonwealth also saw an influx of VC spending in communities outside of Cambridge. More than half of total VC spending (55%) went to companies outside of the Cambridge biotech hub, with clusters in Boston, Waltham, and Watertown leading the way.

Numbers don’t tell the full story for Massachusetts. When it comes to lab space, pandemic-era development has created an inventory that now more than meets demand, bringing additional flexibility to lessees in more locations around the Commonwealth. The industry now has a total inventory of 61.9 million square feet of lab space in Massachusetts, with pipeline projections now significantly smaller in the coming year (between 14 and 17 million square feet). Eleven Massachusetts headquartered companies have been acquired this year for a disclosed total of $10.47 billion (vs. $4.47 billion over the same time last year), a positive signal given the absence of any Massachusetts IPOs so far in 2023.

The Snapshot also illustrates that Massachusetts continues to play a significant role in addressing some of the world’s toughest unmet medical needs. While drug pipelines of Massachusetts-headquartered companies make up 14.9% of the overall U.S. pipeline (down slightly from last year), the state’s total drug development pipeline reflects a scale that is nearly half of the total pipeline of China, a country with 1.3 billion people.

With many Massachusetts-headquartered companies not generating revenue, the state’s ecosystem acutely experiences fluctuations in the investment environment. Furthermore, the state’s dependence on the life sciences industry’s economic contributions leaves it vulnerable to outsized impacts of federal policy changes, as well as competition from low-cost states. That said, continued and targeted investment and support will help enable Massachusetts to add new competencies to our ecosystem while remaining a global leader in innovation and research and development.

About MassBio

MassBio’s mission is to advance Massachusetts’ leadership in the life sciences to grow the industry, add value to the healthcare system, and improve patient lives. MassBio represents the premier global life sciences and healthcare hub, with 1,600+ members dedicated to preventing, treating, and curing diseases through transformative science and technology that brings value and hope to patients. Founded in 1985, MassBio works to advance policy and promote education, while providing member programs, events, industry thought leadership, and services for the #1 life sciences cluster in the world.

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Statement from MassBio CEO and President Kendalle Burlin O’Connell on CMS Release of First 10 Drugs Subject IRA Price Controls Tue, 29 Aug 2023 16:39:53 +0000 This morning the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published the list of the first 10 prescription drugs that will be subject to price controls under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, CEO & President of MassBio, made the following statement: “This is a milestone moment, but one that is clouded by […]

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This morning the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published the list of the first 10 prescription drugs that will be subject to price controls under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, CEO & President of MassBio, made the following statement:

“This is a milestone moment, but one that is clouded by open questions of the law’s legality and how CMS is implementing it. The drug price negotiation program, as enacted, will negatively impact drug discovery and innovation and ultimately patients around the world. With the government disincentivizing innovation, the IRA’s implications go far beyond the drugs on this first list. While we know this program’s chilling effects on innovation will become clearer in the coming years and decades, companies and investors are being forced to make decisions in the near-term that will impact what treatments ultimately reach people in need.

“The IRA will also have a significant local impact on the Massachusetts ecosystem and economy. The companies on this initial list employ more than 9,000 people in Massachusetts directly and support many more indirectly, all working on the research and development of life-saving treatments for patients with cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and other unmet medical conditions. Research shows that we stand to lose 30,000 jobs in Massachusetts over the next decade due to these price controls.

“MassBio recognizes that as bad as the program is right now statutorily, it could get worse through implementation if not correctly adhered to. MassBio is supportive of current litigation to address these threats and will continue to watch CMS’s IRA implementation like a hawk.”

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Accelerate your science at Novo Nordisk’s 2023 Pharma Day Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:30:00 +0000 MassBio is partnering with Novo Nordisk on October 26 to host Novo Nordisk Pharma Day 2023, an unparalleled opportunity for emerging innovators to learn from and connect with a leading global healthcare company that is driving change to defeat serious chronic diseases.   What they’re saying: “Novo Nordisk has partnered with leading scientists for 100 […]

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MassBio is partnering with Novo Nordisk on October 26 to host Novo Nordisk Pharma Day 2023, an unparalleled opportunity for emerging innovators to learn from and connect with a leading global healthcare company that is driving change to defeat serious chronic diseases.  

What they’re saying: “Novo Nordisk has partnered with leading scientists for 100 years to transform innovative ideas into groundbreaking therapies. We are always looking for high-potential innovation and strategic partnerships to complement our existing capabilities. With our best-in-class research and development organization and global reach we are the right partner to bring innovative ideas to life and help unlock their full potential.” 

– John McDonald, Head of Business Development and M&A at Novo Nordisk 

Hear the latest: At Novo Nordisk’s open information session you will discover the latest insights on its R&D strategy, priority therapeutic areas, and partnering capabilities. This session will be followed by a networking reception. 

Get closer: Groundbreaking innovators across all stages of development with any therapeutic modality can apply for a one-on-one meeting with Novo Nordisk’s representatives during the day. Novo Nordisk’s priority therapeutic areas are:  

  • Diabetes   
  • Obesity  
  • Rare blood disorders  
  • Cardiovascular diseases  
  • Other serious chronic diseases (CKD, NASH)  

If your company meets their eligibility guidelines, apply for a 1:1 meeting by September 8, 2023 at 5:00PM ET.   

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MassBio Reveals New Visual Identity, Brand Refresh Tue, 01 Aug 2023 16:00:00 +0000 CAMBRIDGE, MA (August 1, 2023) – MassBio announced today a new visual identity and brand refresh for the trade organization that represents more than 1,600 life sciences organizations across Massachusetts, the first such branding effort in more than 15 years. Following the excitement of the BIO International Conference in June, which convened over 20,000 international […]

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CAMBRIDGE, MA (August 1, 2023) – MassBio announced today a new visual identity and brand refresh for the trade organization that represents more than 1,600 life sciences organizations across Massachusetts, the first such branding effort in more than 15 years.

Following the excitement of the BIO International Conference in June, which convened over 20,000 international attendees from the life sciences industry in Boston, the refresh comes at a time of significant growth for MassBio and underscores its connective role within the life sciences and biotech industries. The project includes a new logo and icon as well as sub logos, an expanded color palette, imagery and typography, and customizable design treatments. It also creates visual alignment between MassBio and sub brands, including its startup accelerator program MassBioDrive and member purchasing program MassBioEdge.

“This rejuvenated look marks a new era for MassBio, aligning with our rapid upward trajectory and our role as a connector, convener, and catalyzer in the Massachusetts innovation ecosystem,” said Kendalle Burlin O’Connell, MassBio’s chief executive officer and president. “MassBio’s member companies are vibrant and visionary. This bold and modern new identity visually bridges the people, ideas, and companies that fuel the innovation that shapes the global industry and changes people’s lives. As our MassBio community approaches our fourth decade together, we remain at the pinnacle of our influence and impact.”

“We are grateful to Minelli, Inc. for designing an elegant and versatile brand that reflects the essence of MassBio,” said Rita McAteer, MassBio’s vice president of marketing. “This new identity will support us now and into the future as we fulfill our mission and deliver for our members, the industry, and patients.”

Leading up to the refresh, the nonprofit served as the regional host of the 2023 BIO International Convention, where Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey and Boston Mayor Michelle Wu announced significant investments in workforce development programs aimed at attracting diverse workers from a wider geography into the Massachusetts life sciences industry. It also follows the appointment of Burlin O’Connell to the role of CEO and president in January after 14 years with the organization in a series of leadership roles.

MassBio’s consortium purchasing program, MassBioEdge, has ballooned in recent years, alongside MassBioHub, its conference and business center offering a tech-forward space for its members to host hybrid events and meetings.

The refreshed, enlivened visuals better represent MassBio’s role in the industry, alongside the liveliness of its physical space in Kendall Square and the state’s life sciences ecosystem as a whole. The new logo’s connection between “Mass” and “Bio” illustrates a bridge, speaking to the nonprofit’s integrative role in the industry. It represents the interconnected people, ideas, and companies that fuel innovation and shape the state’s life sciences – which MassBio is proud to represent.

The refresh was executed in partnership with Minelli Inc., a Boston-based brand strategy and design firm whose client base includes Mass General Brigham, GBH, Harvard University, the Kendall Square Association and the Museum of Science.

“We were thrilled to partner with MassBio in creating a brand that is modern, memorable, and distinctive—one that conveys a strong sense of momentum and evokes their critical leadership in the sector,” said Mark Minelli, president of Minelli Inc.

About MassBio

MassBio’s mission is to advance Massachusetts’ leadership in the life sciences to grow the industry, add value to the healthcare system, and improve patient lives. MassBio represents the premier global life sciences and healthcare hub, with 1,600+ members dedicated to preventing, treating, and curing diseases through transformative science and technology that brings value and hope to patients. Founded in 1985, MassBio works to advance policy and promote education, while providing member programs, events, industry information, and services for the #1 life sciences cluster in the world.

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