Building a sustainable life sciences workforce
In 2001 MassBioEd, a non-profit 501(c)(3) education foundation, was founded by MassBio, to address the workforce needs in the Massachusetts life sciences industry. Since its founding, MassBioEd has created and refined programs focused on training educators, exposing students to college and career opportunities within the life sciences, providing industry and higher education with job trends analysis, and advancing the discussion between community colleges, universities, non-traditional students, adults in career transition, and employers to better align training with industry needs. Today, the demand for talent offers the opportunity to open the door for individuals to great jobs: jobs that provide family sustaining income and career growth in an industry that projects increased demand for the foreseeable future. The cornerstones of their work — BioTeach and BioTalent — are inter-connected programs that ignite student interest and cultivate a field of diverse experts committed to solving some of the world’s most vexing challenges. The need to educate the next generation, illuminate the myriad of career opportunities to underserved communities, and bring in new skilled workers is more important than ever.
Learn more about MassBioEd and get involved.

BioTeach engages educators and inspires students, which is key to fostering science literacy. It is here where the foundation is laid for an emerging workforce. With focus on high needs and underserved schools, we introduce the possibilities of life sciences careers at an early age. MassBioEd has been recognized as a leader working with teachers to bring lab centered life science curriculum into the classroom and into the hands of students.
BioTalent illuminates the many pathways into life science careers. Apprenticeships offer alternative training that opens doors, particularly for historically underrepresented populations. Our events bring corporate professionals together with faculty from colleges and universities to discuss best practices in training the next generation of leaders. Professional training courses, designed by industry professionals, help the incumbent workforce build critical technical and soft skills for continued success.