Genoskin is a biotechnology company based in Boston, MA (USA) and Toulouse (France). The company is a leader in standardized and ready-to-use human skin biopsies for ex vivo clinical testing. Thanks to a patented and unique technology platform, Genoskin accelerates the development of pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical products, biologics and medical devices, while minimizing the risks. Our cutting-edge technology enables the evaluation of topical and systemic administration, subcutaneous injection and anti-Th1/Th17 inflammatory drugs. We also provide tools for tissue culture and in-house R&D services. Our skin models offer a reliable alternative to animal testing and enables our clients to comply with regulatory and ethical requirements.
Company News
Genoskin Launches VaxSkin®: A Service Offering to Advance Vaccine Development
Oct 17, 2023
Posted by Genoskin